Are you self-employed or a business owner and looking for a home loan but limited by your declare tax income? We can help! We are California mortgage loan lenders that do not need tax document to approve home loan. We approve home loans for investor and first time owner without the need of pay stubs or W2.
What is a stated income mortgage loan?
Also referred to as a liar loan, it is a type of mortgage loan where the lender does not require any income verification from the borrower. Tax payment records, pay stubs and other income documents are not a necessity for this type of loan. If you are self-employed, this is the best and most ideal loan for you.
Why choose California mortgage loans over other types of loans?
- Short period of approval. Other types of loans have underwriting guidelines process which makes them to delay. On the contrary, such processes are not needed in stated mortgage loans hence shortening their time of getting approved.
- Fixed interest rates. For the first three years stated income loans have a fixed interest of between 7-9 %. As such, you can pay in a monthly installments basis.
- After the three years, no prepay penalty is incurred that is if you choose to refinance into a conventional loan.
- You need a very low credit score of (FICO 600) for you to acquire the stated income mortgage loan.
- California mortgage loan lenders are making it possible for you to borrow a loan that can purchase a home worth $2 million with no proof of income documents. Additionally, you can borrow a minimum loan of $125,000.
- A 20-30% down payment is required. The good thing is that, the seller or a family member can contribute up to 10% of the down payment as a gift fund.
Stated income mortgage loan requirements include the following.
- A good credit score (FICO 600)
- A 30% down payment
- Borrow a minimum loan of $125,000.
Time is now!! Make your dreams of owning a house come true by applying a stated income mortgage loan. All you need is a good credit score and a down payment. Call us now on (818-465-580) and our professional agents will process your loan application within a short notice. In only 3 days, you will get a pre-approval of your loan. Grab this opportunity and get yourself a home before prices and interest rate get too high.